Quiet Please

            I have 382 songs downloaded on my computer. That equals 26.8 hours of music. It never ceases to amaze me that at certain times, without any forethought or planning, the right song is played. That song has the right lyrics that hit me in a profound way at just the right time. I had the same thing happen the other day with a devotional I use. The daily lessons were compiled in the 1930’s. This book, written almost 90 years ago, touched me intensely with the right words at the right time and in the right way. If that can happen with a book written 90 years ago, it blows the mind to imagine what the Bible, written over 2000 years ago, can do.
            The passage, in the devotional “God Calling,” that made such an impact on me stated the following:

            “Comfort Me, a while, by letting Me know that you would seek Me just to
              dwell in My presence, to be near Me, not even for teaching, not for material
              gain, not even for a message – but for Me.” (February 6th)

In essence, God is saying, “I am giving you permission to 'be still and know that I am God.'” (Psalm 46:10)
            Too many times, when we approach God, it is to do business with him. We give him our wish list, his to-do list and leave it at that. We make our pleas and petitions and move on, not even waiting for an answer. This is our definition of “quality time” spent with God. Now, we rate time, giving it an adjective as if some time is more important, more valuable, more precious than at others. All time is a gift to us from God and we should cherish all of it. So, why wouldn’t we want to devout the necessary time to spending that gift with the Giver?
            Our culture values motion, action, and accomplishments. In today’s world, just “sitting around” is thought to be unproductive. When we are unproductive we are thus wasting time or as others may label it, lazy. But, don’t we enjoy spending quality time with our spouse or children? Aren’t there periods that we just enjoy their company even when nothing is said? I know parents, myself included, who spent moments, minutes, even hours, just watching our sleeping children. In those times, we know the kids are safe and at peace. You just appreciate the whole setting and wish it would continue a little longer. We don’t even look at the clock because time seems to stand still and we don’t want that cherished moment to cease.
            Isn’t God, our heavenly Parent, just the same? I am positive God relishes those quiet times when we just crawl into his lap and rest. In that instant, we are at peace. We are comfortable because of whose presence we are in. We are where he is and for a brief time, all is right with the world. Even as adults, we still remain children of God needing to rest secure and quiet in his presence. There is no activity intended, required or needed. Quiet time with God may be inconsistent with our make-up as active people who are tied to our to-do lists and undertakings. We may feel that sitting still for any amount of time is a waste. This is not avoidance either. In fact, from God’s perspective, that time is not wasted but treasured and adored. He delights in it and wishes we would engage with him in this manner more and more. He longs for it. He gets excited in the midst of it. He yearns for just a little more time with us when we try to leave. In those intervals, when Jesus wraps his arms around us, we let him hug the mess right out of us.
            Turning off all distractions and things that vie for our attention, like computers and phones, we can give God the total attention he deserves and desires. We can give him our quiet, undivided attention. This reaps enormous benefits. God does not want to hear from us as much as he just wants to be with us. No words. No thoughts. No expectations or agendas. Only absolute peace, quiet and presence. God has given you permission to do it. So, try it, you’ll like it and find that it truly has value.


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