God or Molek?

            It is hard not to admit that we seem to be living in some far-fetched end-times sci-fi novel with dystopian features. However, this is not a fantasy and it is really happening. The concepts and notions contained in that genre of literature has come to life in modern 21st century America. We are not imagining it. It is a reality. For me, there has been a tsunami of events that has led me to this feeling of despair for our society as we dive headfirst into the abyss.

            This whole season was not without prediction. St. Paul, in his second letter to his young protégé Timothy, wrote: “evil men and imposters will go from bad to worse deceiving and being deceived.” (2 Tim. 3:13) In his first letter to Tim, he said: “such teachings will come from hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.” (1 Tim 4:2) The term “seared” literally means “to be cauterized” – to be desensitized. This perfectly describes the coming wave of assault on life by abortion proponents.

            I have participated in the last two Marches for Life. I have attended and walked the walk to protect life. I am amazed at that each year there seems to be more and more young people participating, although I do not have any actual statistics to back this up. Jesus came to protect and save the most vulnerable of society. In out present climate, unborn babies qualify for and need an unprecedented level of protection from hypocritical liars who deem abortion a viable option and an essential aspect to women’s health rights.

            This year’s March for Life occurred on the heels of a news story about clergy blessing an abortion clinic where an interfaith gathering affirmed that God was indeed pleased that this facility – and others like it – would continue their perverse mission of destroying life. The week after the March, the New York State legislature passed, and the governor signed a bill into law allowing late-term abortions almost to the point of birth. The signing of this bill was received with applause and the governor had the lights of the World Trade Center lit pink to celebrate the bill. Now, a bill has been introduced in the Virginia legislature with the same parameters allowing a full-term babies to be terminated up to the minute prior to birth.

            Adding to this despair for me, I watched the movie based on the abortion doctor from Philadelphia. Entitled “Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer” it starred Dean Cain. This doctor was surely a monster. The scenes were drawn from the real crime scene photos so as to give the movie authenticity. They were disgusting to say the least. I am pretty sure most people would not take their pets to his clinic and yet he claimed he was offering a much-needed service to the community. This movie is gripping and convicting all at the same time. It was particularly convicting for me. Because of its subject matter, many theatres were threatened and ceased showing the movie because of the pressure that came to bear on them. This is the length abortion advocated will go to in order to preserve their precious “right” and keep the real facts out of the public’s sight.

            On top of all this, someone posted a video on Facebook of an OB/GYN testifying before Congress on the actual abortion procedure. I could only watch a small snippet of the video due its graphic nature. I am not afraid to admit I get squeamish hearing these things. But this was more than squeamishness, I was totally grossed out by how we treat these unborn babies. The doctor’s testimony confirmed what was recorded in the Gosnell movie through the testimony of an “acceptable” abortion doctor.  While the real doctor in front of Congress showed some disdain for the procedure, the movie doctor, played by Janine Turner, was almost numb to what she was saying about the procedures she performed, which she said amounted to about 30,000. She may have been the pictorial definition of a person who has a seared conscience.

            The height of hypocrisy of this whole issue is that many advocates of abortion are more concerned with preserving the eggs of turtles and eagles than they are about human babies prior to birth. We will protect the life of unborn animals with amazingly harsh penalties for violators and at the same time celebrate and hold up as courageous heroes those who destroy human life.

            I am proud to be part of a denomination that celebrates life from the womb to the tomb. In fact, it is written into our Constitutions and Canons. We have codified this is a part of our existence as the people of God. I am proud to be able to march with other people who cherish life as Jesus would. In the Bible, there are 16 references to the Canaanite god Molek (Moloch, Molech) who was associated with ritual child sacrifice. There is nothing positive ever mentioned concerning Molek and child sacrifices in those verses. In fact, worshipping this deity and sacrificing to him only brings condemnation from God. God states in Jeremiah (Jer. 32:28) that this type of sacrifice had never crossed his mind and in Leviticus (Lev. 20:1) he states that anyone who does such a sacrifice should be put to death. For so-called clergy to ask God to bless this procedure and the efforts of those who perform them is an unmatched display of theological ignorance and denying the truth. I can only imagine how seared their consciences must be to attempt to validate this holocaust. Jesus himself said that he came that we may have life and have it to the fullest. (John 10:10) I try not to put words into his mouth. But this seems so obvious that ending a life at any point disregards the reason Jesus came.

            I really believe it is time for the Church, big “C”, to rise up in defense of the unborn and take an uncompromising stand against Molek and his disciples of annihilation. It is time for the Church to stand against the wholesale destruction of a generation of yet unborn human beings. It is time for our compassion to move us past the point of apathy we find ourselves in and do something against this horrific genocide being perpetrated inside the borders of our country. If protecting the viability of turtle and eagle eggs is important, how much more the life in the womb?


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