Stepping into the Ring . . . Getting a Love Tap
Have you ever
had those times of prayer and contemplation when you feel like you stepped into
a boxing ring with God? And, much like any of our chances against a real heavy
weight champion, we get, not only knocked down, but knocked out. Kierkegaard
wrote about the Bible that it is not only speaking to me, it is speaking about
me. This does not only happen reading the Bible. There are other books that
bring the same response. They seem to just pummel us where God is concerned. It
can be so convicting that our selfish, complacent faith is bruised and beaten.
It is not that God wants to beat us into submission. That’s not his style or
modus operandi. He loves us too much for that. But, there are times when what
we encounter brings us to the point of feeling that we have been dropped into
the ring with God.
happened to me today in such a powerful way. It was overwhelming. These times
are real and too often few and far between. I know it is my fault because God
promises that when we seek him we will find him. The fault lies directly with
me! I am not seeking those intense yet meaningful moments enough. I may feel
like I get beat up in them. Upon further reflection, I really do need to get
knocked around a little to lift me out of my complacency. As Christians, we
have so much information that we have read and heard. Too many times we
relegate them to the back burner, packing them away for future reference, never
to be seen or heard of again. When God reminds me these things, it becomes more
than an “ah ha” moment. I am brought face to face with my indifference and
ineffectiveness bordering on neglect and dismissal of everything God has called
me to do. I can claim I forgot but I am not sure God will accept that feeble excuse.
The good
news is that the reason God reminds me of these things, while convicting, is to
restore my sense of calling and mission. When I have neglected what he I am
supposed to do, a reminder – either hard or soft – is needed to get me back on
track. God is not punishing me but reminding me. I can be hard headed and at
those times I need a little more “inspiration.” I know at those precise moments
that God is giving me a love tap. I can be certain of this because I know, that if he wanted to, God could knock me out and I would be out for good. So, I
cherish these moments and appreciate the delicate, gentle hand God uses to
bring me to my senses. I may feel knocked out but his love, grace and mercy are
the smelling salts I need to be revived. I also recognize afterwards that my
initial stepping into the ring with God was for my good. And, I am thankful.
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