Ninja's For Christ

           I was just on vacation visiting my son. He is a martial artist and he invited his mother and me to watch him test for his 4th degree black belt in taekwondo. While we were there, we observed him as he trained in jujitsu. That’s what he does for fun. He teaches taekwondo and for recreation does jujitsu. I took taekwondo for several years so I know a little about it. We were taught to try to avoid being knocked to the ground. On the ground, you were in trouble. Jujitsu is a ground based martial art. So, I guess my son has both situations covered.

            Taekwondo is graceful, fluid and well-choreographed. Each move is part of a patterned whole which is called a “form.” Each move is the result of a particular technique and designed with a purpose. All those moves are for more than just looking pretty. Taekwondo is flowing, powerful and graceful. When executed properly, it is beautiful to watch.

            Jujitsu, on the other hand, seems more reactionary, more down and dirty. It is for scrapping and self-preservation. From what little I saw, it lacks the grace and flow of taekwondo. You are encouraged to grasp clothing and do whatever it takes to extricate yourself from the clutches of your opponent. While it is fluid and moves quickly, and has a grace and force of its own, it is not well choreographed but up close and personal. It still requires power and stamina and you sweat a lot! You get really close to your opponent as you roll around on the ground. To jujitsu connoisseurs, I’m sure they see the beauty and value in it.

            Personally, I am an Anglican and taekwondo appeals to me. I love the pomp and circumstance. We too, have choreographed moves that are designed with purpose and meaning. Each move is set to point to – to remember – all that our faith in Jesus Christ has procured for our benefit. These moves, while graceful and beautiful, do have a theological underpinning. They help to enable us to train to be worthy adversaries when the ultimate opponent strikes – when he attacks us. We are strengthened for the task by preparing motions to counter the devil’s advances.

            Yet, sometimes, despite our best efforts and training, we get knocked to the ground. We can find ourselves in vulnerable situations. In those situations, we may have to get down and dirty with our opponent and mix it up in ways that bear no resemblance to the grace and beauty we cherish. Occasionally, in our life in the faith, it is necessary to get sweaty as we do spiritual battle with an opponent who doesn’t fight fair and would not be repelled by other forms of martial arts. Our life, especially the closer we move to and live with Jesus, will be battle with an adversary of great strength and power. To stand firm we need many forms in our arsenal to resist – to fight back against his attacks. Our moves to counter the enemy’s offensive require us to train properly for any situation. We do not have to worry because the fight has already been won for us. But, we still need to protect ourselves from the onslaught, the fiery darts of the enemy, relying on any form of spiritual weapons we can draw upon.

            Pomp and circumstance have their place. Well-choreographed forms are helpful in being ready for all attacks. But, if we do have to get down and dirty, wrestling with a formidable opponent, drawing on the power of the Holy Spirit, we need to be willing and able to do that also, to get sweaty and get dirty. We cannot train for one at the expense of the other. Both forms are integral to our life in Christ. So, train hard and rely on your training. Become a ninja for Christ! Be prepared to defend yourself and whip the enemy. Because, he is surely out to whip you!


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