Emptiness = Exoneration
You cannot listen to the news today without hearing the word “exoneration” mentioned at least twice. Exoneration is the action of officially absolving someone from blame. It is official as it comes from one with authority to declare the purported offender free from blame or guilt. While in our current political climate this has sparked much debate, in the spiritual realm if hasn’t! As we approach Easter, we notice the emptiness. The emptiness of the cross where the King of Glory died. He died – not an untimely death of a young martyr – but as the sacrificial Lamb of God slain for the sins of the world. On that cross hung the only truly innocent man in the history of mankind. He suffered and died, not for anything he had done, but exclusively and only for what we had done. The centurion who stood at the foot of the cross while Jesus’ execution transpired, witness the whole ugly scene. And witnessing Jesus’ words and actions on the cross he mutters words that fall short of what actuall...